About the Global 500 Environmental Forum

The formation of the Global 500 Environmental Forum at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro made it possible for Laureates to support and communicate with one another on a continuing basis.

The Role of the Global 500 Environmental Forum

Promote awareness among individuals and organizations by publicizing and supporting the outstanding achievements of the Global 500 Laureates. For access to the Global 500 database, send your request to:
Support individuals and groups that are working to promote education and environmental achievement around the world.

The Global 500 Mission

The Global 500 Environmental Forum highlights and supports humanitarian and environmental causes around the world. Over 35 years of experience allow us to address the needs of our human and global environment. We believe our survival is dependent upon education and a secure environment. We support children reaching their full potential through continuous quality education and the enhancement of their community and the world. We assist individuals and groups globally who are doing work of excellence to help preserve the environment and nurture humanitarian causes. We work in collaboration with communities and governments across the world to develop a safe environment for women, men, and children. We believe every child needs to complete secondary school with the life skills to succeed in school and beyond. Many of our Laureates have developed education-based programs that touch the lives of children of all ages.