EIN: 77-0520079
Educating young girls not only prevents early marriage and childbirth-related deaths but also prepares girls to find jobs and take their places as valuable, active citizens.
The education of young girls has been particularly difficult due to extreme poverty and the lack of female rights. However, a partnership between the G500EF and Educate Girls Now makes this possible. Our dedicated volunteers personally monitor school attendance and distribute funds on a monthly basis to families who agree to keep all their children in school. Our goal is to ensure every child receives an education.
You can participate in our education projects. For more information contact: Educate Girls Now, Warrior Angels Rescue, and Globetree.
The Global 500 Environmental Forum is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 77-0520079. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. You will receive a US Dollar donation receipt via email.